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From the wedding proposal to the lawyer

From the wedding proposal to the lawyer

Why you should already think about the legal and financial future when you say "YES".
In her article, Christine Kobelt, specialist lawyer in family law from SwissLegal asg.advocati in St. Gallen, explains why it is worthwhile for couples to seek advice on matrimonial and inheritance law issues at an early stage before the wedding (Bandreport FOKUS "Familie", supplement to the Tages Anzeiger of May 28, 2021).

>> Please find attached the entire German article (PDF download).

>> Click here to get the complete issue FOKUS "Familie": https://issuu.com/smart_media/docs/tagi_familie_97b1fd136dccd5


SwissLegal - There for you.


From the wedding proposal to the lawyer (357 KB), pdf


From the wedding proposal to the lawyer


SwissLegal engagé aux côtés des futurs avocats

SwissLegal engagé aux côtés des futurs avocats

Le Swiss Moot Court 2024-2025 a une fois de plus mis à l'honneur les étudiants en droit des universités suisses à travers une compétition exigeante, où plaidoirie et argumentation sont évaluées par un jury de professionnels du droit. Parmi eux, Me Colette Lasserre Rouiller a eu l'honneur de siéger en tant que membre du jury, accompagnant les futurs talents dans cet exercice clé pour leur formation.

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SwissLegal - Interview on legal challenges for SMEs

SwissLegal - Interview on legal challenges for SMEs

Interview in “Legal Success” (11/2024) on challenges for SMEs in the areas of corporate law, AI in legal advice, succession planning and international tax and social security law

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Action required - incorrectly reported bearer shares may be null and void

Action required - incorrectly reported bearer shares may be null and void

Potential nullity of incorrectly reported bearer shares! Read the full article by attorney Mauro Lardi to find out what this is about and who is affected.

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