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Why SwissLegal?

When it comes to SwissLegal, you are more than just part of a network operating throughout Switzerland: you supplement our group of around 90 lawyers and experts, all of whom value our lean structures. At the same time, you benefit from continuous and constructive exchanges, as well as challenging mandates that put your knowledge to the test on a daily basis. Specialist further training is not just welcomed, but is supported and encouraged. This is what makes SwissLegal the right choice. We look forward to hearing from you.

Open Positions


SwissLegal Dürr + Partner

Volontär / Volontärin 100%

SwissLegal Dürr + Partner

Steuerexpertin/Steuerexperte Steueranwältin/Steueranwalt


SwissLegal Lardi & Partner AG

Rechtsanwältin / Rechtsanwalt

SwissLegal Lardi & Partner AG

Commercial Assistant (70% - 100%)

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