Reto Böhi
Dr. iur. Attorney-at-law, Solicitor (England & Wales)- Labor Law
- Tax Law
- Contract Law
- Corporate Law
- Social Security Law
- International Mobility and Secondment
- English
- French
- German

Practice areas
- University of Bern, lic. iur., 1990
- Canton of Bern, Bar Admission, 1993
- College of Law, London, 1998
- University of Bern, Dr. iur., 2000
- Solicitor (England & Wales), 2001
Legal trainee (1991-1993) and first legal activity as attorney-at-law (1993-1996) with a law firm in Bern; legal clerk at the Social Security Court of the Canton of Zurich (1996-1997); attorney and member of the litigation team of a renowned London law firm (1998); judge at the Tax Appeal Commission of the Canton of Zurich and Vice-President of the Federal Tax Appeal Commission (1999-2002); Attorney-at-law and developper of a tax team in a law firm in Zurich (2003); founder and investor of an own tax and business law firm in Zurich (2004-2008); integration of the co-owned law firm as the Swiss affiliate of an international business law firm group, attorney-at-law, partner and member of the board of directors of the Swiss affiliate (2008-2019); since 2020 attorney-at-law and partner at SwissLegal (Zurich) AG
Recent Cases
- Advice on the employment activities of the management of an international group of companies (labour, tax and social security law)
- Advising an internationally active Swiss company on legal realignment
- Representation of a company in case of termination of the employment relationship of the Head HR
- Advising and assisting wealthy private individuals in tax and asset law matters, including pension fund mandate and succession planning
- Advisory of a CEO who started a new business activity in the course of his early retirement (as CEO and investor) Activity as "external legal service" of a service provider
- Revision/addition of the expense regulations for an international company
Further information
Since 2011, The British-Swiss Chamber of Commerce, Zurich: Vice Chairman of the Public Affairs Committee (Chair: Andreas Hammer, Deloitte AG, Zurich)
Since 2004, activity as a member of the board of directors and managing director of various companies
2002 - 2011, The British-Swiss Chamber of Commerce, Zurich: Chairman of the Legal & Tax Chapter
2003 - 2009 ,Tax Appeal Commissions of the Canton of Zurich: Substitute judge for cases of cantonal and municipal tax and direct federal tax
2005 - 2008, Lecturer at the Bern University of Applied Sciences (BFH) in the field of taxes
Since 1999, Member of the European Lawyers Association (ELA)
Since 1999, Member of the International Fiscal Association (IFA)
Since 2002, Member of the Law Society of England and Wales, London
Since 2007, Member of the Zurich and Swiss Bar Associations
Since 2017 member of the school board of the secondary school Hüttwilen/Seebachtal