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SwissLegal - News from our network
The 2nd edition of the Stämpfli commentary on inheritance law has been published!
Eleven years after the first edition, it is the result of the work of eighteen authors under the direction of the scientific co-editors Dr. iur. Antoine Eigenmann and Dr. iur. Nicolas Rouiller, lawyer and partner of the law firm SwissLegal Rouiller & Associés Avocats SA.
The new edition integrates the amendments to the Civil Code that came into force in 2023 and systematically highlights the developments in case law and doctrine that have taken place since the first edition in 2012.
Read the following interview with Stämpfli Verlag, in which the two co-editors explain the predominantly practical orientation of the commentary and, among other current issues, the effects of the reduction in reserves under the new law, particularly in connection with company transfers: >>
We would like to congratulate the two editors on the publication of this important work!